Silent Noise

11 06 2008

As I said before that I was so proud of this performance. I found some pictures from the show which were shot by Lee-San himself.

The process of shooting was easy. He played the videotape (errrr….10 years ago? we had no DVD at that time) and shot directly at the TV screen. At the time of our performance, for some reasons, we forgot to do a photo call! What a shame. But For me personally, I prefer this way because they look raw and have an ‘indie’ feeling. The first photo was directly from my scene. The second one was from P’Jay’s scene. And the last one, one of my favorite scences of the show, was P’Bow.

And the next photo is my selling shot. I do look like a tiger or….a dog. And it’s not from the makeup like it seems. I think it was from the lighting and the camera angle.

Well, I prefer look like a tiger than a dog, actually. Grrrrrrrrr….



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